Wednesday, March 14, 2012

♥ Chocolate of Love ♥

He loves Mint, l heart Dark Chocolate...

Let's Draw Something... ≧^◡^≦

感觉到长智慧牙地方牙龈酸酸的, 自觉可能是睡姿的问题, 换了个姿势, 但那牙齿好像松松的, 会动用食指弄一弄它, 想确定一下是不是错觉, 啊! 它真的掉了出来!呜!:(

拿给妈妈看, 妈说:为什么你的牙齿是紫色的, 透明的, 像玻璃一样? 
啊? 为什么?
(睡觉时牙齿脱落的背景是我家,dear睡在身边, 醒来问妈妈的背景却是在妈家 :S)
早上醒来还感觉酸酸痛痛的, 告诉dear那个梦...
他说:那喝多点水,等下我们喝'凉水', ok?   (~_~;) 那。是。梦! 还有什么凉水? 冲凉水吗?真是哭笑不得。

Losing Your Teeth:

Where did my teeth go?  Losing our teeth in our dreams are not only odd but scary once you have experienced one.  You should have nothing to worry about because this is such a common dream that we experience at least once in our lives.  Did you know that its the most comment dream that is searched online!  It is very important to know all the little details in your dream even your mood.  Losing our teeth is usually brought on by stress and anxiety in our lives though its important to find out where it is coming from so you can fix it. Below we listed all the possibilities for the reasons you are having this dream.

*Attachment Issues (trying to hold on to something)
*Fear of letting go to something that was part of your life for a long time.
*Afraid of failing
*You dread the feeling of embarrassment
*You may feel a lack of control in your relationship
* Is it possible you set your goals to high and they are crashing down
*What are you afraid to loose
*Are you trying to cover up something
*Afraid of losing your money or the feeling of being abandoned

All of these factors may result in why you could be experiencing this dream.  Lack of confidence in anything in your life such as relationships, work, home or even with friends may bring on this dream.

Spitting Out Teeth:

Spitting out your teeth in dreams are pretty common and it generally happens to people who are older. This is an awful dream that feels very real and you don’t want to experience it again. This dream can mean that you are afraid of getting older and loosing your looks. In today’s society we fear getting old and Grey and there is a lot of emphasis on staying young, that’s why a dream like this can feel more real than anything. If your always concerned about your looks or afraid of getting old you will be getting this dream more than once in your life. Another meaning to this dream can imply that your are admitting something that you have held back for while and you expressed it in a direct manner. Some people have experienced illness in the family when they have dreams about there teeth falling out.

Analyzing Your Teeth Dreams:

Even though teeth dreams can be somewhat scary there is a message to be taught in everyone.  Dreams of this nature implies that we are not paying attention to what need to be fixed in our daily life’s and it is coming out in this form.  The dreams might continue if you sweep the issue under the rug.  Keeping a dream journal over time help you remember your dreams in more detail and will help you pin point where the problem is coming from.  The more you remember the easier it is to find the answer.

Different Perspectives On Teeth Dreams:

Teeth dreams are highly searched online right now but this is not new.  Did you know that teeth dream have been recorded thousands of years ago.  Teeth are one of the most common dream symbols out there and the most searched. People have been getting these dreams for thousand of years and can be dated back for as long as we are able to remember our dreams. In the Greek culture  dreaming about teeth or loosing your teeth suggests somebody in your family will be sick or somebody close to you. The Chinese say that when your teeth fall out means your telling lies and being deceitful. Long ago it has been said that teeth falling out represents money and financial loss. The question is what do you think?
Dreaming of Purple
Purple tends to mean devotion, loving kindness, compassion, and healing abilities.  In contrast, purple can also mean royalty, richness, highest rank, social power, and elitism.
Peep purple tends to represent mystery.  Psychologically, this color could mean the dreamer is beginning to have awareness of an undiscovered dimension of self.
Violet is a shade of purple that can have a more spiritual meaning.  It tends to still be associated with affection, charm, intimacy but is also associated with intuition, spirituality, religious aspirations, peace and spiritual cleansing.
Derivatives of purple- indigo and violet- are associated with the sixth and seventh chakras located at the “third eye” and crown respectively.  The sixth chakra is associated with intuition, spiritual abilities, seeing beyond the physical and psychic abilities.  The seventh chakra is associated with our link to spirituality or to God.  It should be noted an active seventh chakra is associated with the color white.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Women's Day!
Apart from that, just wanna says....thank you for loving me, I am so blessed.  ;)

Monday, March 5, 2012

最痛的感动, 莫过于发现他默默的为你做某些事情, 而你却误解了他的好意。


那些拥我入眠 为我盖被的夜晚
依赖上了那种无论发生什么事 你总会在我身边的感觉

也爱上了 被你爱着的感动
和你在一起 我就是我 没有伪装的必要

你知道吗 对我来说
而 似乎你又懂我的致命伤 ~ 温柔的霸道
只是我的任性还是不让我大方承认 ~ 我真的很爱你
不过  我肯定  你一定懂 !

这首歌 有很多类似你告诉我的‘道理’哦~ ♥

I Won't Give Up  ~ [Jason Mraz]
when i look into your eyes
it's like watching the night sky
or a beautiful sunrise
well there's so much they hold
and just like them old stars
i see that you've come so far
to be right where you are
how old is your soul?

i won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love
i'm still looking up

and when you're needing your space
to do some navigating
i'll be here patiently waiting
to see what you find

'cause even the stars they burn
some even fall to the earth
we've got a lot to learn
god knows we're worth it
no, i won't give up

i don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
i'm here to stay and make the difference that i can make
our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts
we got yeah we got a lot at stake
and in the end, you're still my friend at least we didn't tend
for us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
we had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in
i had to learn what i got, and what i'm not
and who i am

i won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love
i'm still looking up
i'm still looking up

i won't give up on us
god knows i'm tough, he knows
we got a lot to learn
god knows we're worth it

i won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love
i'm still looking up