Friday, November 30, 2012

The Pain

If holding breathe could eliminate pain
give me strength to hold it until the end of time
help me to escape from those unfamiliar painfulness 
and give me strength to breathe freely

Please raise me up but not sink me into the dark

It's not easy to handle bitterness and helplessness after all. it's not just about swallow it or spit it out most of the time...

The Solution?

 《 吃苦 》

如果味道實在太苦, 那就趕快吐掉, 然後去漱口。
如果是吐不掉的, 非吞下去不可的苦, 那就趕快吞下去。

不管是要吐掉, 還是要吞下, 反正就是不要把苦含在嘴巴里, 細細咀嚼。

苦味存在, 是為了幫助我們下次趨吉避凶, 不是每餐拿來給我們下飯的 。

—— 蔡康永