Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shall I

The bottom line of my Horoscope of today is somewhat accurate.

All these while I have been keeping my heart closed due to unknown reason. Maybe in the bottom of my heart, I am still afraid of change, afraid of getting hurt and afraid of things goes wrong. Some said that I am too rational? Some said that I had a wrong expectation in this aspect. And I say I am a coward! I hate to deal with a difficult situation and I tend to escape from it as possible as I could.


source of image from: free-stockphotos

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

The Bottom Line

You will encounter a person from a different culture today who will open your eyes.

In Detail

You will encounter a person from a different culture today who will set your world on edge -- but whether the change they make is a good one or a bad one is completely up to you. If you can keep your mind open, you will have a positive the experience, so try to think the best of everyone you meet and not make judgments. Just because someone doesn't handle a difficult situation in the same manner that you do doesn't mean they are wrong.

p/s: 到这一刻为止,我还是放不下心中的坚持... :(


电脑还在医院, 虽然有这架replacement的可以暂用, 但… 还是很不习惯。--懒人的惰性, 讨厌陌生的环境。


本来打算在周末完成的计划, 现在宣告失败。Due to some unexpected reason. --懒人的借口。


原来我很可怕。有人‘告诉’我妈说我很凶, 她很怕我, 因为有时候我很不给人面子,包过长辈。 我说,年纪大的人做的事不一定都对, 我先不管你对或不对, 因为那是你家的事。可是如果你无端端管我家的闲事, 找我妈的便宜,或看不惯我自己做我爱做的事。 我当然很难有好颜色给你看, 抱歉!我不懂得演戏。我想说的是,我只会尊重值得 我尊重的人。


明天将会拜访old folk home, but I wonder if I can give them a helping hand if I only have a heart but no brain and no skill.


Thanks mum for the pure mix fruits juice. Very nice…yummy. ^_^

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Feed the flog!

I found something very cute and interesting which is source from aBowman The site have a lot of Gadgets that allows you to easily add it to your blog. So....Enjoy....

Actually, I discovered this through sidebar of Kit Keat Bar . :-) He is using The Colorful Fish. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


最近发生了一些事情, 让我体会到了真正无奈的感受。。。不过,事情过去了。从此,都不需要再提起, 永远都不需要了。过去的都已经过去...

人的一生里, 有多少事情任由我们掌控? 多少时候可以随心所遇?又有多少事情能竟如人意呢?在不伤害到他人的前提下,我想我有权力让自己更快乐。

有时我的快乐和需要的空间也许建立在某些人不能接受的范围内,请不要再质问我, 就让我过我想过的生活吧。让我喜欢我所喜欢的,讨厌我所讨厌的,放弃我想放弃的和最求我想最求的,好吗?

我们是不是应该学会宽容多一点点,私心少一点点,关心别人多一点点,讨厌的人少一点点,体谅别人多一点点,计算别人少一点点,这样才能让自己活的安心,开心, 有意义和快乐。这才是人生重要的功课。不是吗?

如果,人生是一杯白开水, 你准备怎样为它调味呢?

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now." (By Joan Baez)