Friday, March 15, 2013

Nice Song from P!nk

~ Try

~ Just Give Me A Reason 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hero vs Babe

今天听到很有趣的 对我们的形容,还蛮喜欢的。。。嘻嘻。。。
希望我永远是你的宝贝 而你永远是我的Hero. =)


Friday, November 30, 2012

The Pain

If holding breathe could eliminate pain
give me strength to hold it until the end of time
help me to escape from those unfamiliar painfulness 
and give me strength to breathe freely

Please raise me up but not sink me into the dark

It's not easy to handle bitterness and helplessness after all. it's not just about swallow it or spit it out most of the time...

The Solution?

 《 吃苦 》

如果味道實在太苦, 那就趕快吐掉, 然後去漱口。
如果是吐不掉的, 非吞下去不可的苦, 那就趕快吞下去。

不管是要吐掉, 還是要吞下, 反正就是不要把苦含在嘴巴里, 細細咀嚼。

苦味存在, 是為了幫助我們下次趨吉避凶, 不是每餐拿來給我們下飯的 。

—— 蔡康永

Monday, October 29, 2012




心 就这样难以坦然
也许 就这样 永远了。。。

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012


是被你的爱感动  而不是其他


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Just another...dream ~

梦见... 在一间店里的柜台 被人抢了现在常用的紫色Couch's handbag
曾企图和那贼抢回 然后被他很凶恶的怒瞪然后很用力的抢走了

很害怕那种感觉。 和那次被抢的感觉一样。

每个女人都想被人在乎吧。 为什么有时候和别人做着同一件事, 得到的对待却可以如此不同?一直都有这种感觉, 也一直压抑着, 一直告诉自己那不是事实。甚至宁可相信那是自己的任性想法。直到那天的事情,及老公不经意的说了一些话, 一些我不太想它是事实的事实。我才明白, 原来,旁人也看得出来。 无论如何,我只能努力的不去介意。因为我不可以, 不能,也没资格责怪。而我能做的,只有努力忽略。

To dream that you have been robbed indicates that you are experiencing an identity crisis or are suffering from some sort of loss in your life. Alternatively, the dream means that someone has stolen your success or has taken credit for something you did. Perhaps you feel that you have been treated unfairly.


Thursday, April 26, 2012


连续两天的烘焙失败 让我好有挫败感。。。@_@
不过我想我知道那里出错。 加油!

我想说, 就算是高手也会有失败的时候。人在失败的时候, 真的不想再听那些让人更沮丧的话, 如果说不出安慰的话,请不要攻击,不如沉默吧。:)




Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A memorable baking experience

It was a memorable baking experience. Firstly, the microwave was stopped functioning right in the middle of baking and I found that the switch used for microwave oven was malfunction. I was alone at home and have no idea where was mum kept the extension. I couldn't find it at any place that I could thought of, so I called her. And finally, I managed to get the extension and continue the baking. It was stopped for around 10 minutes, it did sink a little. Fortunately, the cake turned out not so bad at last...

After spread the filling, rolled the cake, captured photo of the cake, I felt dizzy. I thought the weather was hot and I was too nervously rushing here and there just now. I sat down and thought to have a rest but I saw my tea's cup was shaking badly and the table were shaking too. It must be tremor after the Earthquake somewhere! To confirm, I quickly buzzed my friend who were online at Skype. They told me I was right, they were asked to evacuated from the office building too. (Although it was Pubic Holiday, some people still need to work as usual, like my husby and friend.)

I felt very bad that I was alone at that time. I hate the feeling like this, when there's something happen and you have to faced it alone. I am not that independent after all.

Anyhow, Tsunami warning was cancelled. We should be safe. God bless.

Here's the product...The Swiss Roll tasted not bad at all, here are 8 pieces, I got all 8 votes. ^^ Of course, there's still room for improvement.

Cocoa Peanut Butter Swiss Roll ~